Currently Four Environmental Problems Threatening Earth

Environmental Issue 3

There are four environmental problems extremely threatening Earth and human beings.

The first problem is biodiversity. 

Biologists say that life on our planet might disappear and currently it is very hard to see frogs, locusts, and water bugs around.

Since every element in a food chain is not going well, that disrupts the whole nature of a community.

The second one is a water issue. We face water pollution and a water shortage.

Plastic and chemical wastes discarded seep into the ground and drain into the ocean and rivers.

As a result, those wasters pollute rivers and the sea.

Also there is a problem with deforestation.

Deforestation is on the rise and it has been caused by cutting down trees, fires, urbanization, and agricultural expansion which contribute to deforestation. 

Deforestation is one of main problems which have a negative impact on Global Warming.

The last problem is climate change.

It results in the increased frequency of heat waves.

People say that climate change has been placing our planet in danger

Those four problems make a domino effect and people start to consider them as real and serious threats.